Back to School Feelings & How To Support Your Little Ones

Back to School Feelings & How To Support Your Little Ones

Hi All!

Sharyn here from Mindful Magic. So, it’s that time of year again….back to school! Some may have already returned, for other’s it may be in the next day or so. But one thing for sure is, it’s a return unlike any other we have ever known.

Not only new teachers and new classrooms, but new rules, new set ups, new overload. As a businesswoman, a mum, an educated grown up, I still haven’t got my head around what is going on.

In some ways my hope is that our children, who time and time again prove to be more adaptable and accepting than we often give them credit for, will take all this in their stride. But that doesn’t mean it will all be as easy as it looks. 

We may see: tantrums/stroppiness at home; avoidance of tasks/activities they normally love; obsession over tasks/activities; increased demand for snacks or loss of appetite; tiredness or issues with sleeping. The lists goes on….but you know your child. You know their norm. You know the usual adjustment to new things routine and will know what is more unusual for them.


So, what can we do to help? 

Be kind – to them and you. 

Make September about getting used to a new normal. Don’t put too many expectations on them. Be prepared to move dinner times and bed times accordingly. 

Encourage conversation. Being able to state the emotion we are feeling, verbally or through journaling, reduces the power it has over us. 

Make time for some 1-1 connection time, but not straight after school! 

Be honest – talk about how you are feeling at an age appropriate level (this models good talking behaviour). Let the children know that we are all finding our way with what is going on and that there is no right or wrong way to be feeling. 

Distraction – we talk lots in my sessions about how allowing our brains time to turn off will help deal with the thing we are dealing with by giving us a break from it. Find age appropriate ways of helping them focus on a simple task when emotional are high that will give them time to relax – threading, blowing bubbles, drawing, colouring, reading. 

I hope some of that is useful but you know where to find me if you need any more tips!

Sharyn runs Mindful Magic sessions for children and adults in Essex. To find out more about her amazing classes head over to her Facebook or Instagram pages. To find sessions in your area head to the Mindful Magic website. 

And if you need any lunch box inspo, don’t forget to check out Tijani’s Lunch Box ideas…

where next?