quick snacks

  • Wraps – The ultimate 10min lunch ingredient

    Wraps – The ultimate 10min lunch ingredient

    Wraps are a staple store cupboard ingredient. Need a quick lunch, use a wrap. Fancy something sweet, use a wrap. Need to beef up dinner, use a wrap. I’ve put together my go-to 10min (sometimes less) wrap recipes. Use them for breakfast, lunch or dinner, it doesn’t matter.

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  • French Toast Roll Ups

    French Toast Roll Ups

    These french toast roll ups, are a quick (ish) breakfast or snack. Kids & adults love them. Why not give them a try?

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  • 5minute After School Snack – Oaty Balls

    5minute After School Snack – Oaty Balls

    This 5min afterschool snack is the perfect hunger buster for the school run. Packed with protein and delicious, it’s the ultimate snack.

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  • Yoghurt Bark

    Yoghurt Bark

    This super simple yoghurt bark recipe is perfect for when the warmer days set in. Fill up a tupperware tub and be ready for ice cream demands.

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